Artist Jukka Hakanen painting mural at AARK

The artist Jukka Hakanen has been invited by Renja Leino and Benkku Adersson to AARK to paint Corpa bird on the building facade. The artwork is an interpretation of the original Coat of Arms of Korpo by Gustaf von Numers.

Jukka Hakanen is a well known Finnish artist and mural painter. Have a look at his webpage here

In 2021, Jukka was commisioned by ELY-keskus to paint a mural on the concrete wall by the new ferry pier in Retais, with archipelago motif. This mural can be seen from the residency, as this iconic building is located in the opposite side of the road Saaristotie. You can see images from this artwork on Jukka's webpage here

Wepbage created by Ubuntu Productions (Korpo)
Most of the pictures by Renja Leino  |  Drone and pictures of the studios by Ubuntu Productions (Korpo)