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Open Studios Saturday 22.2

On Saturday 22nd February the artists at AARK will celebrate another Open Studios from 14:00 to 16:00. Open Studios are a great opportunity to meet the artists in residence in a social and open environment. So please don't be shy, everyone is welcome to come and see what the artists are working on, ask questions, hear their thoughts on Korpo and the residency, or just listen to some of their adventures.

Chris Sheridan, USA

Third-time resident at AARK. You can follow his adventures during this two-month residency in his artist diary on Facebook or Instagram.

A watercolor painting of an old oak tree with moss and twisting branches by Chris Sheridan. Art supplies like brushes and a palette are nearby on the table.

Kate Protage, USA

A second-time resident at AARK, she is experimenting with new formats during this two-month residency. You can find her on Instagram and her website.

A watercolor painting of an old oak tree with moss and twisting branches by Chris Sheridan. Art supplies like brushes and a palette are nearby on the table.

Janet Tavener, AUS

You can find her on Instagram and her website.

Come and join us!

Poster for AARK Open Studios event on Sat 22.2, featuring artists from Australia, the US, and Finland. Includes website and contact information, with a scenic lake and forest background.

Wepbage created by Ubuntu Productions (Korpo)
Most of the pictures by Renja Leino  |  Drone and pictures of the studios by Ubuntu Productions (Korpo)